A Joy Full Life

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What is Success?

Hey friends!

I’m new to blogging, building a website, selling art, and online workshops. And everything else that goes along with this new journey I’m on. I am venturing out after much prayer and prodding by the Holy Spirit.

I work full time in children’s ministry and women’s ministry. I LOVE my job! I get to use my gifts and do what I enjoy - plan events, research curriculum, inspire and encourage, teach, and spend time with women and children. I also make graphics for the ministries, utilizing my graphic arts background. 

I have been crafty my entire life. Everything from macramé, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, and card making. I made gifts for family and friends and enjoy decorating and party planning. A little over 10 years ago I picked up a paint brush and started painting. I had no plans, other than having fun with color. I have taken a few in person art classes and many online courses. I have learned from some very talented and generous artists.

I now have a studio full of art (some I love, and some that will definitely get repainted). Over the past year I began wondering what I could do with all this art. Especially as more and more ideas come to mind. I saw Facebook ads for Christian Artist “business” and “how to sell your art”. Slowly I started venturing into the online world. 

There is sooo much to learn!

The more I learn, the more I do, and the more I seek God, the more I am sure this is where God wants me.

So here I am, putting myself “out there” with little clue of what I’m doing.

My plan is to keep it real and share what I’m learning.  

There’s a LOT of information on getting followers, posting on all platforms, growing email lists, and making lots of money. But that is not my heart. My desire is to be obedient to God.

That’s not always as easy as it sounds…

Have I wondered “what am I doing here”?

Have I gotten frustrated with all there is to learn?

Have I pulled back and stalled at times?

Yes to all!

As I pray and seek God on where to focus TODAY, He is faithful to direct my path, to silence the noise, and to help me put one foot in front of the other.

It feels like juggling many balls in the air.

Some days I drop them all and shed a few tears.

But inevitably I pick them up and begin again with the determination not to quit.

Because it’s not all about me.

It’s all about God!

What is success for me?

Success is saying yes to God!

As long as I keep moving forward.

As long as I am seeking God each step of the way.

As long as I move when God says to go, or stay when He says wait.


It’s an interesting mindset. One that brings freedom, because the worry and fear of what people think or say isn't the focus. It isn’t even a factor because “if I were trying to please people I wouldn’t be a servant of God”. Again, not always as easy as it sounds!!

How is God nudging you out of your comfort zone?

How can you shine His light with the gifts and passions you have received?

If there's a spark in your heart, I want to encourage you to get quiet and ask God where you can start. What can you learn, research or just do ??

He is faithful! He will answer.

Not always in the way we think. Often in ways that push us a bit.

There are seasons in life and sometimes the spark is a seed that needs time to germinate and grow.

When my girls were little I wanted to have bible studies with women in our home. It was a seed that was planted in my heart and mind.  Not only was I a new believer, I knew very little of the Bible and was in no way ready to lead studies. But I knew I wanted to work with women and children and share the love of God.

Here I am 20+ years later, living those dreams. And I have many new ones!  God is so faithful!!

My prayer is that success brings glory to God and hope to people.

As I move forward, I know it will be worth the effort as long as I remember “Success is saying “yes” to God”!

Hugs and Blessings

April Joy