Welcome to my blog!
This is my first post from the studio and I am excited and a bit nervous. I love to create - mixed media, acrylic painting, watercolors..... lots of color and nature inspired! I also have a passion for helping women grow in their faith. I love to chat over a cup of tea and share how God is at work in our lives.
I’ve come to realize, not everyone hears from God and spends time with Him each day as I do.
And that's OK. I'm not anything special, and I'm certainly not here to judge anyone. I'm a simple girl who was in need of hope and healing and Jesus met me right where I was, and hasn't left my side ever since. I may have wandered away, or lost my focus through the years, but He has been with me every step of the way.
I have experienced healing, forgiveness, hope, salvation and freedom. I have been in the pit of depression, with seemingly no way out, and here I am to tell you God is real. He created you. He loves you. He wants to have a relationship with you. And once you are willing to accept all He has for you, your life will never be the same.
Is this walk easy? Nope. But I can't imagine life without Him.
Maybe you have a relationship with the Lord, and you are wondering why you are still "stuck".
Maybe you love Jesus, but you keep doing what you don't want to do, and not doing what you want.
I get that!!
I have spent the last 25 years growing in my faith and my relationship with the Lord.
I read my bible daily and attend a great bible teaching church (which I also happen to work at :).
I have attended and led Bible studies, spent thousands of hours praying, and have worked with other women who are just as passionate as I am to walk alongside others in their faith journey.
All of this has deepened my faith, and my conviction that ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord can.
It will take some effort on your part. But it's the greatest reward for your efforts.
I can testify to that!
I've been married 34 years. I’m a mom of 2 beautiful daughters, and Nana to 4 grandchildren.
Every relationship takes effort.
Joy unexplainable in the midst of heartache . . .
Hope undeniable no matter what you see, because your faith is greater than your sight . . .
Freedom from fear, shame, guilt, and depression . . .
I have experienced them all. And so much more!
Jesus came "to bind up the broken hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor...." See Isaiah 61
Jesus is the key to freedom! We must accept the key to the prison cell of our own making, or others have put us in. And use the key to unlock the door. And walk out in freedom.
This walk is a lifelong journey. We won't arrive until Jesus returns or calls us home. But each step we take, each prison wall that is torn down, each day we have the opportunity to share our faith, is a gift. A gift that Jesus paid the price for. And I for one want to use every bit of it - however I can.
Would you join me on this journey? I'd love to walk with you.